
For aliphatic water reducing agent, is the third generation of concrete water reducing agent. Through the adsorption-dispersion effect to improve the rheological properties of cement slurry. It has the advantages of strong dispersion ability and small influence on thickening time. The recommended dosage is within 1%.

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Product Description

  • Product Description
    • Commodity name: Dispersant

    For aliphatic water reducing agent, is the third generation of concrete water reducing agent. Through the adsorption-dispersion effect to improve the rheological properties of cement slurry. It has the advantages of strong dispersion ability and small influence on thickening time. The recommended dosage is within 1%.

    Brief introduction of materials:

    For aliphatic water reducing agent, is the third generation of concrete water reducing agent. Through the adsorption-dispersion effect to improve the rheological properties of cement slurry. It has the advantages of strong dispersion ability and small influence on thickening time. The recommended dosage is within 1%.


    Main performance index of dispersant




    Deep reddish brown liquid



    Ph value


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